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Low Sex Desire Treatment in Indore
A persistent or recurrent deficient (or absent) sexual/erotic thoughts or fantasies and desires for sexual activity leading to significant personal and / or partner distress.
Sexual Desire is a relative term. Your desire and needs can be different from your sexual partner.
Causes – Low Mood (depression), hormonal disorders, Chronic liver or kidney disease, work and / or family related problems, long relationship span (> 6 yrs), partner’s decreased interest or chronic disease, medicines, Drugs like alcohol, smoking.
It can be of following forms:
- Lifelong/generalized – The man has little or no desire for sexual stimulation (with a partner or alone) and never had since the beginning.
- Acquired/generalized – The man previously had sexual interest in his present partner or alone, but now lacks interest in sexual activity, partnered or solitary.
- Acquired/situational – The man was previously sexually interested in his present partner or alone but now lacks sexual interest in the partner, but has desire for sexual stimulation (i.e. alone or with someone other than his present partner.)